Alternatively: How do I take a non-square PNG and "fill out" the "rest" of the image with transparency so that the resulting square image has the original image centered in the square?

ULTIMATELY, what I want is to take any image of any GM-supported format of any size, and create a scaled-down PNG (say, 40 pixels maximum for either dimension), with aspect ratio maintained, transparency-padded for non-square original images, AND with an already-prepared 40x40 PNG transparency mask applied.

I already know how to scale down and keep aspect ratio; I already have the command for applying my composite. My only missing piece is square-alizing non-square images (padding with transparency).

Single command preferred; multi-command chain acceptable.


Extra info: Here's the composite command I'm using:

gm composite -compose copyopacity mask.png source-and-target.png source-and-target.png

where mask.png has white pixels for what I want to keep of source-and-target.png and transparent pixels for what I want to remove (and become transparent) of source-and-target.png.

3 Answers 3


This command will take any sized input file and fit it best to a 40x40 square and pad with transparency:

convert \
   original.png \
  -thumbnail '40x40>' \
  -background transparent \
  -gravity center \
  -extent 40x40 \
  -compose Copy_Opacity \
  -composite mask.png \

The gravity option ensures the image is centered in both directions, and transparent is used wherever there are no pixels. Then the compositing is done with the mask.png

  • So we can't do it in one shot with composite?
    – Pistos
    Commented Apr 24, 2012 at 1:23
  • @Pistos I am not clear on what you are doing with the composite - it is just a transparency mask to hide/show portions of the thumbnail after resizing? Can you edit and add the command sequence you have so far, so we can see if it can be combined?
    – Paul
    Commented Apr 24, 2012 at 2:47
  • @Pistos I think the best approach is to do the compositing with -convert rather than the other way around. I have updated my answer above.
    – Paul
    Commented Apr 24, 2012 at 3:33
  • Close, but not quite. Your command didn't work as-is, and even with adjustments, it didn't work. It's okay, I'll do it in two steps. I'll update things here after I get the final, working CLI steps. Thanks again.
    – Pistos
    Commented Apr 24, 2012 at 3:53
  • I would add -filter Catrom before the thumbnail option because from my experience it generally produces higher quality images.
    – thdoan
    Commented Dec 4, 2013 at 2:40

One command to convert all PNGs from one folder:

mogrify \
 -resize 50x50 \
 -background transparent \
 -gravity center \
 -extent 50x50 \
 -format png \
 -path resized \

mogrify is a command from ImageMagick package. You have to create output directory first.

  • 1
    Nice one. BTW, If you feel adventurous, you can omit -path resized to edit the files in place.
    – aaronk6
    Commented May 19, 2016 at 10:55
  • 1
    This is great. On my install (OSX, 1.3.35) it's gm mogrify and instead of -path resized, use -create-directories -output-directory resized
    – Blake
    Commented Mar 19, 2020 at 13:08

Here's what I eventually went with. A two step process:

gm convert \
  -thumbnail '40x40>' \
  -background transparent \
  -gravity center \
  -extent 40x40 \
   original.png \

gm composite \
  -compose in \
   intermediate.png \
   mask.png \

Where mask.png is white pixels for what I wanted to keep, and transparent pixels for what I wanted to mask out (discard).

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