I've been reading the man page for mount as well as googling for an answer for some time now, with no success. I would like to check which file systems are supported for use with mount on my system. I think I used this few years ago, but just can't remember how.

1 Answer 1


In the man page of mount (man 8 mount) look for the explanation of option -t, --types. There you find all supported filesystems. That worked well for Linux for me.

It won't work for Mac but there you know the supported filesystems anyway.

Update: And a more dynamic way would be $ cat /proc/filesystems

Update2: To inspect all filesystem modules for the running kernel you can run $ ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/fs.

  • +1 for inspecting /proc/filesystems. Any insights into filesystems supported by (unloaded) kernel modules?
    – Eroen
    Commented Mar 21, 2012 at 11:14
  • thx very much... actually, your updates were more useful to me :)... i know about types, but i wanted to know if there is a way to know which are 'active'
    – playcat
    Commented Mar 22, 2012 at 22:35
  • What about NTFS? It not shown on any of these lists but I am able to mount (although only read-only, but still)?
    – MrCalvin
    Commented May 8, 2021 at 13:54
  • @MrCalvin that means you're using the FUSE NTFS driver (represented by fuseblk in /proc/filesystems). You should really avoid it and use the new ntfs3 kernel driver instead
    – phuclv
    Commented Jan 24 at 3:09

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