I've seen similar questions, but couldn't find any answers for my problem.

I'm using Windows 7 and Wamp for website development, and it was working fine until a couple of days ago. Now it won't let me connect to localhost or My hosts file was missing, so I made a new one with the line " localhost".

I'm able to ping localhost and no problem. I used netstat and confirmed that Wamp is using port 80. Wamp says it's online. I have this error message in my Apache error log:

(OS 10038)An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket. : winnt_accept: getsockname error on listening socket, is IPv6 available?

1 Answer 1


A couple of things you can try:

  1. Execute netsh winsock reset.

  2. Add ::1 localhost to your hosts file (loopback for IPv6).

  • That seems to have done the trick, any ideas what caused this problem all the sudden?
    – Andrew
    Commented Dec 21, 2011 at 18:28
  • Your winsock catalog got modified somehow, but I can't tell you how or why.
    – Dennis
    Commented Dec 21, 2011 at 18:43
  • Also, I just found out that Windows 7 handles loopback internally, so the localhost entries in your hosts file are obsolete.
    – Dennis
    Commented Dec 21, 2011 at 18:43

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