Is a way to unblock blocked (by JS) text selecting on some website ? I'm using Chrome. UPDATE: Blocking JS code is in page source (... blocking code here ...)

  • 1
    Open the page source and copy it from there
    – slhck
    Commented Sep 28, 2011 at 10:43

3 Answers 3


I've found solution in Chrome -> my own extension.


document.oncopy= function(){
    return true;

document.ondragstart= function(){
    return true;

document.onselectstart= function(){
    return true;
  • I can't load your extension: "Failed to load extension File ~/Proj/temp/unlock/chrome-plugins-master/textcopy_unblocker/WebContent Error The 'manifest_version' key must be present and set to 2 (without quotes). See developer.chrome.com/extensions/manifestVersion.html for details. Could not load manifest." Could this be made into a javascript snippet so it's possible to run from Developer>JavaScript Console ⌥⌘J ?
    – msciwoj
    Commented May 15, 2018 at 12:02

If you want to unblock it permanently, Right click > View source and copy the link to JavaScript file that's preventing the highlight. Add it to your adblock/blacklist extension, or even your hosts file (list of locations for each OS) like this. http://incriminating.file/url.js

This will prevent the JavaScript file from being downloaded when you reload the page after clearing your cache. Bare in mind that your experience with the site might be handicapped with this method.

  • Blocking js is inside <body/>, not in separate file
    – marioosh
    Commented Sep 28, 2011 at 12:01

If your using Firefox, get the noscript addon.

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