I am trying to play an audio stream from the web that requires a Windows Media plugin for Firefox. I have had trouble finding a suitable plugin.

I am running FF v6.02

I have tried installing the mplayer plugin, but it's far out of date.

1 Answer 1


You need to install gecko-mediaplayer plugin. But in order to install gecko you must first install gnome-mplayer.

  1. Make sure that you have the Universe and Multiverse repositories enabled. You can do this by opening Synaptic and clicking "Settings" > "Repositories"

  2. Install gnome-mplayer

  3. Install gecko-mediaplayer

In Firefox, navigate to Add-Ons and the plugin you need will say "Windows Media Player Plug-in". Make sure it is enabled. You should now be able to play Windows Media streams.

  • Post a link, I'll add them for you.
    – slhck
    Commented Sep 25, 2011 at 18:56

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