I have a Windows XP computer that belongs to a Workgroup. It prints to a local Canon USB printer. I use it to RDP into a Windows Server 2003 machine. The Windows Server 2003 machine belongs to a domain. During the RDP, I select the option of including 'Printers' in the 'Local Resources'. However, I am unable to print from the Remote server to the local Canon printer.

1 Answer 1


Has printer redirection been enabled on the server? If the server doesn't permit it, there is nothing you can do on the client.

With Windows 2003, there is a lot of issues with printer drivers and printing over RDP. It could be that a compatible driver mapping could not be found. If Citrix was installed, or if you had Windows 2008, then a generic driver would be used.

  • I enabled the printer redirect, but that did not help. I ended up printing to a PDF printer (using CuteFTP) and saving the results to a file. It is not the most elegant solution, but a solution nonetheless. Thanks for your help!
    – crn
    Commented Sep 26, 2011 at 21:36

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