I am using Homebrew to install python on Snow Leopard.

After installing python (2.7.2), I add /usr/local/share/python to the front of my PATH. I also set PYTHONPATH to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages.

If I use pip to install lxml or feedparser, for example, then after running python, I can import lxml with no issue.

After running pip install BeautifulSoup, there exists a .egg-info directory for BeautifulSoup in the site-packages directory listed above, as well as the bs4 directory, but from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup just gives me an error in the python interpreter.

sys.path is:


Any idea what's going on?

Update: Solution Found

By default, latest BeautifulSoup, 4.0b, gets installed. Use stable release, pip install BeautifulSoup==3.2.0, and importing etc. works.


2 Answers 2


By default, latest BeautifulSoup, 4.0b, gets installed. Use stable release, pip install BeautifulSoup==3.2.0, and importing etc. works.


BeautifulSoup is now splitted into beautifulsoup (version 3..) and beautifulsoup4 (version 4..) in pip.

So to install a specific version run:

sudo pip install beautifulsoup # version 3


sudo pip install beautifulsoup4 # version 4

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