Ubuntu 11.04, by default, automounts a cdrom or dvd at /media/<vol_name>. I need to make the automounting system use a fixed name instead of the volume name for all CDs or DVDs inserted into this particular drive, e.g. "/media/op-drive0". A bit of searching turns up pretty much the same solution I used, successfully, on an older, gentoo box, which is to create an fdi file for hal, along the lines of the instructions at https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=91450. This doesn't seem to work on this box. Other sources say to use the gnome-mount utility to set the mounting properties. Ubuntu 11.04 doesn't know about the gnome-mount program. Any ideas?


2 Answers 2


I can't guarantee it will work under GNOME because I use KDE, but if I add a line for the DVD drive in /etc/fstab like you used to need in older Linux distributions:

/dev/dvd /media/dvd auto user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 

and ensure that the mount point /media/dvd exists, then any time I access a DVD using the Dolphin file browser, the automount happens at the fixed mount point, ignoring the volume label.

$ mount
/dev/sr1 on /media/dvd type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev,utf8,user=orbweaver)

It appears that the automounting system uses the contents of /etc/fstab to override its default behaviour, but again this could be KDE-specific.

  • Thanks. I do recall trying this in Gentoo some time ago, and it didn't work. I believe automounting went away and I had to explicitly mount the medium when I inserted a CD or DVD. There are a number of commented-out lines in /etc/fstab on that box as a record of this experiment. But it looks as if things have come a long way :) I think your solution will solve my problem. Commented Jul 8, 2011 at 23:58

I have been having this issue off-and-on for a few months. The DVD will work fine and load different DVD-s quite happily most of the time. Then every now and then, like last night, DVD-s stop loading. It isn't very consistient.

The first time this happened one DVD didn't auto-mount, and another did, while a third that I'd watched earlier would not auto-mount.

Today I restarted udev ... and inserted a DVD that was not auto-mounting. It auto-mounted just like a bought-one. Great!

$ service  udev  restart
$ service  udev  status
$ eject -t  #  Close DVD-ROM drive

That's a nice clean way about it I think.

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