I'm on Kubuntu 11.04, and I have 1000 associations to wine's vlc - none of them is useful - and I want to remove them all. So I do

kcmshell4 filetypes 

in konsole, then type "vlc" in a search box - it gives associations - but I can't remove associations like


for "remove" button is not available on them (and on them only). Nor

sudo kcmshell4 filetypes


So my question is: "how to remove association to vlc of 100 file types?" (you can do them one by one - but that's not the way it's supposed to be).

1 Answer 1


Wine keeps all those extensions this way:


You can mark and remove all the extensions you don't want, and they will not appear in the menu anymore. Application icons may help you do it quickly.

  • 1
    They've really gone as associations. I still have them though as a "known types" in 'File Associations'. I've also cleaned mimetype.list of all wines. Great! Thanks!
    – Adobe
    Commented Aug 11, 2011 at 12:10

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