Got a new PC, HP 3130 and didn't get to create the recovery disk. I did save the recovery partition using imagex to an external hard drive. I was planning to use a previous image I had and that failed so attempted to put back the recovery partition. It boots oaky, go into restore manager but fails when attempting to re-create the partitions.

"Recovery manager could not restore your computer using factory image". Please contact HP support. Error code 0xe0ef0003"

Any ideas? I think it's something to do with the WINPE environment and partitioning.

1 Answer 1


Try booting to the external drive. Once you turn on your computer, you should see instructions to go to a boot menu...

Another alternative, is to check for drive errors. Try using chkdsk.

  • can boot from external drive ok. using WAIK PE for imagex. no drive error on chdsk. thanks
    – cKK
    Commented May 16, 2011 at 16:45

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