First I tried to download Starcraft 2 on Windows 7 and after the installer ran there was no way to launch it. I ran the installer again and then all my icons on the computer, on desktop, taskbar and start menu as well as in windows explorer turned into the Blizzard icon and opened the Starcraft installer when double clicked. Except for MS Word files, which open normally.

AVG scan found nothing, windows scan found and deleted some harmful stuff, I also deleted everything to do with the game. Now all the icons are blank (paper icon) and the open the "choose the program you want to use to open this file" page.

I can access google chrome by opening help and support from the start menu and finding a web link, and I can open Windows explorer by opening a file location from the task manager. Interestingly I managed to run a Microsoft game which now appears and runs normally in the start menu...

I am using an ASUS laptop with Windows 7 Pro, Intel Core 2Duo, 64 bit.

What should I do?

1 Answer 1


Start by tring a System Restore: MS Feature Overview - System Restore

System Restore returns your PC's system files and programs to a time when everything was working fine, potentially preventing hours of troubleshooting headaches. It won't affect your documents, pictures, or other data, and getting to it is simple: just type "system restore" in the Start menu search box.
In Windows 7, you can create more system restore points and see exactly what files will be removed or added when your PC is restored.

  • Thank you edusysadmin! System restore! Who would have known. I managed to run it, and everything is back to normal, albeit a little slow.
    – Maurice
    Commented Apr 19, 2011 at 8:30

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