For example, I edit and then run the same source.

vim arbit.py
python arbit.py

I know I could run it from within vim, but I want a general solution on Bash. I keep finding situations where I reuse arguments.

How can I do that?

2 Answers 2


Use !*. It expands to all words except the first one (i.e. the command).

$ vim arbit.py
$ python !*
python arbit.py

You can combine it with all the features of !, for example:

$ vim arbit.py
$ ls
$ python !vim:*
vim arbit.py

Or, if you want only the last word, there are two other ways:

$ vim arbit.py
$ python !$


$ vim arbit.py
$ python <Esc+.>

See the bash history interaction documentation for more details.

  • With !:2 you reuse the second argument of the previous command. Commented Sep 27, 2014 at 4:28

There are at least a couple of ways to do this.

$ vim arbit.py
$ python[press Alt-.]

which retrieves the last argument of the previous command as does:

$ vim arbit.py
$ python !$


$ vim arbit.py
$ python !*

which retrieves all the arguments of the previous command.


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