I'm developing one kiosk software, to run over Windows 7.

I need to block key sequences like alt + tab, alt + F4 etc. How can I block it?

  • 4
    Remove the keys from the keyboard :)
    – user1931
    Commented Feb 7, 2011 at 0:01
  • OK! Nice try! Remove the keys... :)
    – Pedro
    Commented Feb 7, 2011 at 14:26

2 Answers 2


Autohotkey can do this in a single line:


It's useful for blocking all of the common nasty key combinations you wouldn't want used on a kiosk, such as Alt+F4, Ctrl-W (depending on browser used), F11, and so on.


I would suggest reviewing this: http://www.windowsnetworking.com/kbase/WindowsTips/WindowsNT/AdminTips/Miscellaneous/DisableAltTab.html

(Registry entry should do the trick).

Also, I would look into replacing explorer as the default shell app. Then you'll have more control over what people run.

  • 3
    That registry entry is absent and does not work in Windows 7 AFAIK.
    – user1931
    Commented Feb 7, 2011 at 0:38
  • does anybody know where that registry entry is in Windows10? I have seen so many sites talking about that CoolSwitch, but I do not have this line in my registry. Commented Sep 19, 2017 at 19:54

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