I have made some music in GarageBand '09, and when I export it, there is some strange data in the ID3 tags. When I open the MP3 in VLC, and view the meta data, there is field called Description and it contains a long string of hex. Everything else is correct. Is this a hash or fingerprint of my song or what?

1 Answer 1


The hex string often seen in ID3v2 "Comment" field is iTunes SoundCheck information used for normalizing the sound volume, similar to ReplayGain.

The information is stored in ID3v2 COMMent frame with description iTunNORM, and iTunes usually hides it. However, most ID3v2 tools treat it as any other comment.

  • Thanks, can't upvote yet. So I assume that VLC does not use this information. Would I be correct then to assume that the song will sound differently if I play it in iTunes?
    – emkman
    Commented Jan 9, 2011 at 0:39
  • @emkman: If "Sound Check" is enabled in Preferences, yes. See this Apple page. (Regarding upvoting, see here) Commented Jan 9, 2011 at 12:23

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