I'm looking for a freeware program that compares two binary files with each other, and can do the following things:

  1. Give a percentage of similarity
  2. Hash the files (give a few basic, as well as fuzzy hashes, md5, sh1/sh2, etc etc)
  3. Compare more then 2 programs with each other, and list them in some sort of database

If you know a program like this, please do post.

  • The title "Compare programs" is misleading, I would use "Comparison software" or "Comparison apps"
    – Toto
    Commented Oct 29, 2010 at 19:58

2 Answers 2


given your requirements, i would advise writing a perl or python script. both languages will have adequate library support to enable you to perform whatever operations you wish on the file data.


I'd be surprised if there is an existing program that does all you want - without some level of programming effort.

The Gnu diffutils can do some of that and there is a comparison of some tools at Wikipedia

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