I'm writing a notification script for Skype event notifications. (As far as I know, that feature is Linux-only; go to "Options", "Notifications", select an event and fill in "Execute the following script".)

For incoming chat messages, I can get all the information I need with:

my-script.sh "%sname" "%smessage"

That is, %sname is substituted with the name of the sender and %smessage with the message text.

But for outgoing chat messages, %sname contains my name. I want to get the recipient's name somehow, but my Google skills have failed me so far. Is there another variable for that? (Or any documentation from Skype of this feature?)

  • have you tried using %sskype instead of %sname?
    – zaynyatyi
    Commented Sep 16, 2010 at 13:09
  • Yes, it gives me my Skype username instead of my full name, but still nothing about the other person.
    – legoscia
    Commented Sep 16, 2010 at 14:06

1 Answer 1


You can't, because you're not sending a message to a particular user, but to a channel that you and the recipient are listening to.

Private skype chat with two participants is the same as 3+ participants, so there is no 'recipient' as such. Maybe there's a way to get the 'target chat name', but I've not been able to find a way to do it.

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