I downloaded a tar.gz for the Player Project from Sourceforge. I ran the make install command to install it, and got no errors. But I don't know how to actually run the program. There are multiple .exe files relating to it in the /usr/local/bin folder. However, nothing happens when I attempt to run them with Wine. I tried running the player.exe file from the terminal and I get this error -

player: error while loading shared libraries: libplayerdrivers.so.3.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I get that it’s obviously saying I am missing a file, but I don't know what to do about it. I tried reinstalling it and still get the error. Is this something wrong with the tar.gz I downloaded or am I doing something wrong to run it?

  • 1
    .exe files in a Linux program?
    – mathepic
    Commented Sep 11, 2010 at 23:52
  • This is more applicable to superuser.com, or ubuntu.stackexchange.com (or unix.stackexchange.com). Commented Sep 11, 2010 at 23:53
  • I was reading at and stopped at ".exe files in /usr.." - then I started being "WTF?!?"
    – halfdan
    Commented Sep 11, 2010 at 23:54
  • 1
    @mathepic and halfdan: From his statement it looks like he is running Wine, which is a type of Windows emulation. Wine allows you to run certain exe files.
    – linuxuser27
    Commented Sep 11, 2010 at 23:54
  • @linuxuser27 Except why would you use a make install for a Windows program?
    – mathepic
    Commented Sep 12, 2010 at 0:46

2 Answers 2


If you ./configure/make/make install you should just be able to run them from the command line. If they end with .exe and they are Linux native(seems like it), then they are mono executables.

The thing about the .so implies you are missing the needed shared library.


On Debian (should be the same on Ubuntu or other Debian-based distributions):

$ apt-file search libplayerdrivers
libplayerdrivers3.0: /usr/lib/libplayerdrivers.so.3.0  
libplayerdrivers3.0: /usr/lib/libplayerdrivers.so.3.0.1  
libplayerdrivers3.0: /usr/share/doc/libplayerdrivers3.0/changelog.Debian.gz  
libplayerdrivers3.0: /usr/share/doc/libplayerdrivers3.0/changelog.gz  
libplayerdrivers3.0: /usr/share/doc/libplayerdrivers3.0/copyright  
libplayerdrivers3.0-dev: /usr/include/player-3.0/libplayerdrivers/driverregistry.h  
libplayerdrivers3.0-dev: /usr/lib/libplayerdrivers.so  
libplayerdrivers3.0-dev: /usr/share/doc/libplayerdrivers3.0-dev/changelog.Debian.gz  
libplayerdrivers3.0-dev: /usr/share/doc/libplayerdrivers3.0-dev/changelog.gz  
libplayerdrivers3.0-dev: /usr/share/doc/libplayerdrivers3.0-dev/copyright  
robot-player-doc: /usr/share/doc/player/html/group__libplayerdrivers.html`

...so maybe you just need to install libplayerdrivers3.0. When you ./configure, the script should really warn you about missing libraries, but that script might be defect.

I'm not sure of what program installs .exe files in your directory structure and requires you to use wine to run them, but closing my eyes to that, the above written is the first thing I'd try.

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