I found a website that says I can use a USB "bridged" cable for ICS.
( http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/Connecting-Two-PCs-Using-a-USB-USB-Cable/248/2 )
My cable modem only has one network plug, so I can't have my desktop and laptop on the internet at the same time, so I hope this works.

Question 1: The problem is I can't find one of those cables on E-Bay. I must be searching for the wrong set of words. I found one ($28) that said it was for transferring files between two computers (link mode). The link above says the cable should come with software for "network mode" - and also lists "link mode" for just transferring files. I did find one USB 1.1 bridged cable (that didn't talk about software/drivers), but I want 2.0.

I would think this would be a sought after item, and would be cheap. I got a USB adapter to hook up an external hard drive w/shipping for a total of $8.95 . This USB cable is considerably simpler, and lighter.

What E-Bay search terms should I be using?

Question 2: Is ICS going to work on my computer, with my cable modem? The following website says the new "improved" Windows XP ICS requires the host IP address to be set to
( www . practicallynetworked . com/sharing/xp_ics/ )
"Ipconfig /all" reports I have a regular IP address (yes it's static), not one in 192.168... (By regular I mean you can address it directly from the internet - I'm not putting it here.) When I right click on the network connection (host computer w/working internet), select properties, advanced, and check "Allow other computer to connect..." (I didn't check "Allow other network user to control...) I get the following error message "An error occurred while Internet Connection Sharing was being enabled. A device attached to the system is not functioning." I didn't bother trying the wizard as I don't have the USB bridged cable yet, and I don't want to screw up the working connection. Nothing is listed under that check box - I noticed on other websites there's an option box for selecting what it's connecting to - maybe when I plug in and install that cable I'll see it there.

Before I buy the cable, is this computer/cable modem going to work with ICS? (Will I be able to get the host computer, with its IP set to, working with the cable modem? - or is there other software besides Windows XP ICS that will work.)

If I have to spend $30 for a cable (ridiculous), should I just get a $10 NIC, put it in the host, and connect it to my laptop (it has an ethernet port) - and will that work? (BTW - I am aware I could spend $50+ for a router...)


Windows XP SP3, Motorola Surfboard Cable Modem, Realtek PCIe GBE ethernet card.

  • 1
    Buy another nic. Messing around with USB is silly.
    – Zoredache
    Commented Sep 6, 2010 at 20:02
  • @Zoredache: Is this computer/cable modem going to work with ICS, given the 192.168.01 limitation?
    – Eric54
    Commented Sep 6, 2010 at 20:13
  • 1
    Just buy a cheap ethernet switch. Commented Sep 6, 2010 at 20:19
  • IP Addresses shouldn't have anything to do with it. 192.168.x.x are used entirely within networks for the purpose of organizing computers withing a LAN. It'll work, although it's not the best solution.
    – digitxp
    Commented Sep 6, 2010 at 23:54
  • @digitxp - you are saying that the "expert" link above is wrong, and the host IP address doesn't have to be for ICS? Do you have a link confirming that?
    – Eric54
    Commented Sep 8, 2010 at 16:02

2 Answers 2


There's no reason to do this. @Dennis Williamson gave the right answer in the comments - buy a cheap switch. It is cheaper, and has a lot more functionality. The PCs can still talk to each other, but they can use the internet connection separately, and you can add more devices. You can add a wireless access point in the future if you want, etc.

You will get better speed, reliability, functionality, and expandability with a switch.


I found a broadband router w/WiFi on E-Bay for $20 (total including shipping). It says it can share a single internet connection. So I won't need to bother with ICS, and the laptop will have internet access independent of the desktop. I read about the switch recommendation posted here - for an extra $5 this is much more versatile. I was just going to get a $10 ethernet card for the desktop and use ICS, but when I opened the computer I discovered all of the PCIe slots (3) are already being used. The router will work much better anyway.

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