Mostly what the title says, in most meetings one user is presenting something and another different user needs to point to some specific part on the screen for others to see. Even if they are in the same physical room and can point at the physical screen, other remote users wouldn't see it.

I've looked for features like "laser pointer" but it's only for the presenter, who could anyway use the normal mouse pointer for that.

I think I've seen it done before, is it possible in Microsoft Teams? (desktop or web)

1 Answer 1


The person sharing content can enable annotation mode from the top toolbar. Once this mode has been enabled, the rest of the meeting participants will be able to access a toolbar that includes a laser pointer option.

See this support article for more information:https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/use-annotation-while-sharing-your-screen-in-microsoft-teams-876ba527-7112-437e-b410-5aec7363c473

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