I think I did something that I was not supposed to do.

While trying to learn something, I added a new loopback address to my WiFi interface in Windows without knowing what I'm doing. I typed the following:

netsh interface ipv4 add address name="Wi-Fi" source=static address= mask= gateway=

It broke everything, internet connection is down. Of course, I don't know what I did. I deleted the address, but nothing happened. I searched up online some reset commands and I typed the following:

netsh int ip reset


netsh winsock reset

Then after each restarted my computer, but nothing worked.

How can I reset to what it was before?

Right now, my computer has no access to my WiFi network. I mean, it finds it, it connects to it, but it's saying "No internet, secured". My WiFi network is working just fine. Also, I really want to know what did I do so that it broke everything?

  • Try netsh interface ipv4 delete address name="Wi-Fi". If this doesn't help, and if you have System Restore enabled, rollback to before you did this.
    – harrymc
    Commented Apr 16 at 18:38
  • Remove the wireless driver (make sure you have the drive install on hand), restart, install the driver, set it up, and see if that fixes your issue.
    – anon
    Commented Apr 16 at 18:39
  • I uninstalled the wifi network adapter from device manager than I did a network reset from windows settings and it worked. Thanks! Commented Apr 16 at 18:57
  • I posted an answer that will benefit you and perhaps others. Perhaps you will accept my answer @Timotei Oros
    – anon
    Commented Apr 16 at 21:01

1 Answer 1


Wifi not working after adding a loopback address to wifi interface windows

Remove the wireless driver (make sure you have the driver for installation on hand), restart, install the driver, set it up.

Now in Windows Settings, Network: You can also do a Network Reset. Driver updates often do this as part of the driver install.

This should fix your issue.

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