The version of my Exact Audio copy is V1.3

I'm trying to change the genre and album title of the CD track using the additional command-line in Extact Audio Copy, but I'm not succeeding.

1 - Original command:

-b320 --id3v2-only --pad-id3v2 -ms --tg "%genre%" --tl "%albumtitle%" %source% %dest%"

2 - Command to change genre and album title:

-b320 --id3v2-only --pad-id3v2 -ms --tg "Classic MPB" --tl "CMG Classic MPB" %source% %dest%""

Can I change the genre and album title using commad-line options?

  • What happened when you tried?
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Mar 7 at 14:28

1 Answer 1


That's how it worked

-b320 --id3v2-only --pad-id3v2 -ms --tg "Classic MPB" --tl "CMG Classic MPB" %source% %dest%

The problem is in the two double quotes at the end of the command, I removed the two double quotes and it worked correctly.

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