
I"m trying to assign a hotkey to a program (Snagit v2019) Snagit only gives me the choice so Control + Alt + Shift and a key for assigning as a hotkey.

I want to choose Windows + Shift+ S

But Windows isn't a choice (in Snagit)

Any ideas?

  • 4
    Does this answer your question? Where can I find Windows keyboard scancode registry information? Commented Feb 7 at 14:51
  • 1
    CTRL + ESC opens the Start Menu the same way you would by pressing the WIN key, but CTRL + ESC + X does not behave the same way WIN + X does, so it's a limited comparison. However, your question's title and body don't seem to line up precisely. "Mimic" means to copy, more or less, so your title is asking for a key combination that is an alternative to the WIN key. The question body, however, seems to be asking how to use the WIN key in a key combination, but doesn't specify which utility or tool or setting you're trying to use to set such a hotkey. Please edit your question to make it clear. Commented Feb 8 at 0:48
  • @music2myear That answers my question: I had a distant memory that there was another key combination that had the same effect as [Windows] key but I see now that it only mimic'd the effect of pressing the [Windows] key in isolation. So no way to do what I need. Commented Feb 8 at 17:56
  • The question as you've edited it has been answered on this site already. Here's one superuser.com/questions/202000/… and here's a search that'll have some more helpful specifics superuser.com/search?q=autohotkey+win+key Commented Feb 12 at 15:26

2 Answers 2


You can use the Registry scancodes to change the action of a key, so that the Windows key will act as Ctrl, Alt or Shift -- but that would mean you could never use Windows for its intended purpose, a really bad idea!

There are a number of third-party tools, such as Clavier+ and AutoHotkey that remap key combinations to an action. Usually, these are global keyboard shortcuts, but if WindowsShiftS is not used elsewhere, you could use one of those utilities.


Turning my comment into an answer, as OP notes this is what they were looking for:

CTRL + ESC opens the Start Menu the same way you would by pressing the WIN key, but CTRL + ESC + X does not behave the same way WIN + X does, so it's a limited comparison.

Your title is asking for a key combination that is an alternative to the WIN key. The question body, however, seems to be asking how to use the WIN key in a key combination, but doesn't specify which utility or tool or setting you're trying to use to set such a hotkey.

  • Edited question. I now includes what I'm trying to do and in what app. Commented Feb 9 at 14:38

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