For user Doug, Windows 10's File Explorer shows a Users\Doug\Music folder, as expected. However, dir /a (run as administrator) does not show this folder. How can this be?

My motivation is that Users\Doug\Music is the default location for iTunes data files, but on Doug's machine, iTunes is using Users\Doug\Pictures\Music. Both File Explorer and dir show that folder. However, File Explorer's Properties dialog shows the same location for both: Users\Doug\Pictures. I think it's strange for Music to be under Pictures, so I'd like to move Users\Doug\Pictures\Music to Users\Doug\Music, but before I try anything like that, I'd like to understand why File Explorer shows the existence of Users\Doug\Music, but dir /a does not.

  • In the properties of Users\Doug\Music if you check the Location tab, where is that pointing? Commented Nov 8, 2023 at 6:59
  • As noted in the post, the Properties for Users\Doug\Music shows a Location of Users\Doug\Pictures. Commented Nov 8, 2023 at 16:25

1 Answer 1


For user Doug, Windows 10's File Explorer shows a Users\Doug\Music folder, as expected. However, dir /a (run as administrator) does not show this folder. How can this be?

Most likely, the folder has a desktop.ini file that specifies a LocalizedResourceName and the actual file system folder name is different. The easiest way to check this is to shift+right-click in the background of C:\users\Doug\Music and click Open PowerShell window here and examine the prompt.

It also sounds like Doug's official music folder has been redirected to C:\users\Doug\Pictures\Music. Click in the Explorer address bar and type shell:My Music to see what folder opens.

You can use the Location tab in the folder's Properties dialog to relocate the Music folder to it's default location.

  • Shift-RightClicking in File Explorer while viewing Users\Doug\Music and opening a Powershell window brings up the prompt, PS C:\Users\Doug\Pictures\Music>. shell:My Music opens This PC> Music, the Location for which is Users\Doug\Pictures. Is it possible that the only folder that exists is \Users\Doug\Pictures\Music and \Users\Doug\Music is a hard link to it? Commented Nov 8, 2023 at 19:22
  • There is no desktop.ini in either Music folder. Commented Nov 8, 2023 at 19:24
  • Are you sure? It normally has both hidden and system attributes set so view options have to be set app seeropriately. If the folder icons have a music lql note and aren't generic then the folder definitely has a desktop.ini file. Commented Nov 8, 2023 at 23:06
  • Ah, my mistake, \Users\Doug\Pictures\Music does, indeed, have a desktop.ini. It also has a desktop (1).ini. These don't show in File Explorer (even with hidden files shown), but in a command window, dir /a reveals them. As you guessed, there's a LocalizedResourceName in desktop.ini. I think I understand how this could change the name of the folder to "Music", but I don't understand how it could cause this folder to appear in File Explorer as \Users\Doug\Music when there does not seem to be an actual folder with that name. Commented Nov 9, 2023 at 0:37
  • I know the shell:UsersFilesFolder -- the folder with the full user name that appears on the Desktop, will display user folders that have been redirected, but I didn't think C:\Users\<UserName> did. Add the Folder column to a Details view for clues... Commented Nov 10, 2023 at 7:48

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