What private key does MobaXterm use by default, and can I change it? I read through the documentation, found nothing on what the default key that is used. I know there is the C:\Users\<me>\.ssh directory, with a public and private key pair. But its not clear what is used. Unlike ssh in Linux I cant just run ssh -vvvvv to see more output. I also tried enabling DEBUG3 in sshd to see if I could see which public key was passed but, it only shows signatures not the actual public key.

Can someone confirm which private key is used by default for MobaXterm?

  • 1
    There isn't a default private key. You most certainly should be able to create a verbose SSH connection both on the client side and the server side
    – Ramhound
    Commented Oct 30, 2023 at 15:53

1 Answer 1


Based on the result of MobaXTerm agent the terminal start to test private keys sorted alphanumerically. I my case below the sequence is:

  1. ESDCA
  2. RSA

enter image description here

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