Firefox doesn't render properly on some systems (Ubuntu 22.04 + X/Wayland), but disabling GPU HW acceleration mitigates the problems.

How do I turn off hardware acceleration in Firefox (without using the in-browser about:settings method)?

Is there a config file that Firefox picks up?

1 Answer 1


You can create a user.js in the Firefox profile folder to force any settings you desire. This includes disabling GPU hardware acceleration.

Simply create an empty file in the Firefox profile folder, and name it user.js. Now, add the required about:config settings in the same format as in prefs.js. This way, you won't have to use the in-browser about:settings method.

Specifically, add:

user_pref("browser.preferences.defaultPerformanceSettings.enabled", false);
user_pref("layers.acceleration.disabled", true);

Save the user.js file, and restart Firefox. Voilà!

  • Under "default" Ubuntu snap firefox I found ~/.mozilla/firefox/cx3a9c6c.default-release/ is this the profile folder?
    – Moberg
    Commented Oct 18, 2023 at 9:17
  • @Moberg In Firefox's address bar, type about:profiles to see the path(s) to your Firefox profile folder(s). Commented Oct 18, 2023 at 9:19
  • Downvoter, care to explain what's wrong with this answer? Downvoting quality answers without an explanation is a good way to damage our community and ensure no one gets the help they want. Commented Oct 19, 2023 at 2:06
  • it's difficult to use the browser when the graphics are broken :/
    – Moberg
    Commented Oct 19, 2023 at 19:21
  • Is it possible to create a system config that all profile configs are based upon? How does one distribute default configs to different users on multiple machines?
    – Moberg
    Commented Oct 19, 2023 at 19:23

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