• I have two software radio devices attached to my Linux server.
  • I have an LXC container running on the Linux server.
  • Both software radios have the same productid and vendorid.
  • How do I attach only one of the software radios to the LXC container?


Because I want to!

More serious answer: I give less-trusted users access to LXC container, and not to the LXD host. I want these users to only see one of the software radios.


Sanity check

  • I am running a third-party utility which flashes the radios via USB
  • I first connect/allow USB to both radios
    • command: lxc config device add my-container usrpUSB usb productid=6010 vendorid=0403
  • I run the flashing utility, and it works
  • I disconnect USB
    • command: lxc config device remove my-container usrpUSB
  • I run the flashing utility, and it fails
  • Conclusion: lxc USB connector works as expected

Finding what changed

  • Idea: if I can find what files that lxc config changed on the container, maybe I can do it manually, so:
  • Connect USB (see command above)
  • List container files
    • find / -ls > /tmp/find_with_usb.txt
  • Disconnect USB (see command above)
  • List container files
    • find / -ls > /tmp/find_without_usb.txt
  • Compare the two
    • There are over a hundred new files
    • None of them are /dev/ttyUSB* devices
    • The files are mostly in /var/lib/lxcfs and /sys/fs/cgroup directories
    • I am not sure what the source is for these on the LXD system
  • Conclusion: manual path/character-device mapping will not work.


  • Is there some other way to do this?
  • I don't see any options for further constraining USB devices (source)

1 Answer 1


Since lxc autodev isn't automatically configuring the device you want, you're left having to configure the node. Try using a control group to differentiate between the devices and/or using a hook to create the device node prior to the container's start (although, check for TOCTTOU via a misconfiguration). Or hook scripts to handle the node device creation at an opportune time, be it 'pre-mount' of its filesystem, or 'pre-start' to run scripts in the host's namespace prior to the container's start.

Ref: https://linuxcontainers.org/lxc/manpages/man5/lxc.container.conf.5.html • /DEV DIRECTORY • CONTROL GROUPS ("CGROUPS")

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