Using Windows 11 Pro, 10.0.22621, Build 22621, Lenovo.

I have Windows Virtual Desktops running & using Ctrl + Win + Right Arrow or Ctrl + Win + Left Arrow I can move between different virtual desktops. If I use Win + Tab to access the Virtual Desktop Manager

  1. It doesn't show the Virtual Desktop Manager
  2. Alt + Tab stops working until I restart the Windows Explorer Process.

When I restart Windows Explorer, Alt + Tab works fine, until I press Win + Tab.

Using HotkeyDetective t(GitHub) to search for what application is getting the command, both Alt + Tab and Win + Tab both link to C:\Windows\explorer.exe enter image description here

What I've tried:

  1. Update Windows.
  2. update Explorer Patcher
  3. update Explorer
  4. changing Registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer, Change AltTabSettings from 0 (default ) to 1 (not pretty), & restart explorer. This continues to work even after pressing Win + Tab

Expectations: Win + Tab should display all Virtual Desktops, it doesn't. Alt + Tab should continue to allow switching between programs, it doesn't working after using Win + Tab.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Ed

1 Answer 1


This issue appears to be caused by my use of Explorer Patcher, specifically issue 1687.

According to issue 1802, rolling back Windows update KB5029263 resolves the issue and that worked in my case.

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