When I use Alt+Tab, the preview interface only shows 22 windows, not all windows. How do I make it show all windows on screen at the same time when I Alt+Tab?

If I hold Alt and Tab multiple times, past the last displayed window, then it starts to "scroll" down and reveal the hidden windows.

Windows 10 22H2

Note that this is not a duplicate of How do I change the Alt + Tab task switcher window to show more applications? That question specifically asks about Windows 7, and all the answers are dated and do not apply to/work for Windows 10. This other question Make Alt + Tab Task Switcher show more tasks at once [Windows 10] is similar but was wrongly closed as duplicate of the previous question.

  • Is using Task View an accepted solution?
    – harrymc
    Commented Jul 6, 2023 at 16:52

3 Answers 3


Method 1

You can press WIN+TAB to accomplish something similar to ALT+TAB. This will open the Task View interface which presents a thumbnail view of presently open windows. This option does require using the mouse to make a selection.

If you absolutely need it to be ALT instead of WIN then you could always use AutoHotkey to remap the keys, however there have been reported issues with remapping these keys.

Method 2

  • Open Settings WIN+i

  • Click/tap on System on the left side, and click/tap on Mulitasking on the right side. (see screenshot below) enter image description here

  • Click/tap on Desktops on the right side to expand it open. (see screenshot below)

  • Select On all desktops or Only on the desktop I'm using (default) for what you want in the Show all the open windows when I press ALT+TAB drop menu. (see screenshot below)

enter image description here

  • You can now close Settings if you like. Source (I haven't tested this option, so if it does not bring all windows into view, please see method 3 below).

Method 3

(from this answer)

To change the number of rows and columns for the Classic Alt+Tab Dialog:

  • Enable the classic Alt+Tab dialog if needed
  • Open the Registry Editor app (regedit)
  • Go to the following Registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
  • On the right, modify or create a new STRING (REG_SZ) value named CoolSwitchRows. This will define the number of rows for the classic dialog. The default is 3, and the value range is from 1 to 20.
  • Under the same key, modify or create a new STRING (REG_SZ) value named CoolSwitchColumns. This will define the number of columns for classic dialog. The default is 7, and the value range is from 1 to 43.
  • To enable these changes you need to sign out and sign back in to your account.

Source : Change Number of Rows and Columns for Classic Alt+Tab Dialog.


Windows is only allowing 20 open apps in the ALT+TAB in Windows 11 so I doubt you can expect any better in Windows 10.

source: https://www.wepc.com/news/microsoft-is-about-to-limit-alt-tab-functionality-in-windows-11/

  • I can’t find any evidence the change in that article actually happened. Furthermore, the author of the question, is running Windows 10 not an Insider Preview build of Windows 11.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jul 6, 2023 at 23:50

Task View will display all the windows on all desktops, in a format which might be more readable.

The shortcut to open the Task View is Win+Tab.

You may also assure that the Task View button is shown on the taskbar by right-click on the taskbar and select "Show Task View button".

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