I am running Windows 3.1 within Dosbox 0.74. I have the resolution at 1024x768 256 colors. I would like to use a higher resolution. I have done a lot of googling, but I'm having trouble finding a clear answer. I suppose what I want to do is emulate a graphics card from the era which was capable of a higher resolution like 1600x1200. I would be fine with 16 colors, just want the higher resolution. Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


DOSBox supports standard VGA graphics (which is probably what you are using). BUT.. it also supports some other types of graphics. By default, it’s set up to emulate S3 Graphics.

I would suggest trying this driver (S3 Virge). It supports 1600x1200. You might need to play with which of the 8 1600x1200 entries work.

If it doesn't work, you will need to look for another S3 driver but it should work.

You need to realize (if you weren't around), 1600x1200 was the thing of dreams back in the Win3.1 days. NOBODY I knew (and I am indeed a nerd) had anything close to that. 1024x768 was already a resolution higher than 99 percent of people could support.

  • Thanks for this answer! The dosbox machine is set to svga_s3, and after testing each of the 8 versions of 1600x1200 on the list, I am not able to boot windows. The splash screen comes up, and then I get a message at the DOS prompt saying "the selected display driver does not support current graphics chip." I guess that means I will have to find a different S3 driver? Haha I remember how things were. Last time I ran windows 3.1 on real hardware it was my 486/66 DX with 4MB RAM. No way was that thing gonna run anything much beyond 800x600. Commented Mar 12, 2023 at 3:18
  • Update - today I got 1600x1200 @256 colors with small fonts working. I decided to try DOSbox-X instead of 0.74. I also decided to try the S3 drivers from the following link: [link] (sierrahelp.com/Utilities/Emulators/DOSBox/…) This combination worked for me. Commented Mar 13, 2023 at 0:47
  • AWESOME! If my post got you there, please feel free to accept it. Also, feel free to fill in what you had to do and where you had to go. I am glad you got this. It will help people in the future. Commented Mar 13, 2023 at 1:50

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