How can I make the non-native Windows 10 title bar of Google Chrome respect the Windows theme switch and change to the theme I choose, depending on the system OS theme?

  1. I enable the non-native title bar on Google Chrome by adding the argument --disable-windows10-custom-titlebar to the Google Chrome shortcut
  2. System and app switches to a dark theme
  3. The theme color does not switch on Google Chrome when Windows 10 custom title bar is disabled.

Expected behavior (by changing chrome's theme color to dark): Dark Tabs on dark theme

Actual behavior (by changing chrome's theme color to default): White Tabs on dark theme

  • 1
    This post suggests to set the chrome.exe Properties > Compatibility to Windows 7 and try adding --disable-windows10-custom-titlebar .
    – harrymc
    Commented Jan 20, 2023 at 20:09
  • OK thanks changing compatibility worked.
    – fatFeather
    Commented Jan 22, 2023 at 12:59
  • Since it worked for you. I added an answer.
    – harrymc
    Commented Jan 22, 2023 at 15:29

1 Answer 1


In the post Custom drawn windows 10 titlebar option gone a user solved the problem by right-click on chrome.exe and setting Properties > Compatibility to Windows 7 and then adding the parameter --disable-windows10-custom-titlebar, like this :

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-windows10-custom-titlebar
  • This appears to no longer function, at least as of version 124. Can anyone else confirm if this is still working for them? Commented May 4 at 23:05

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