I use share folder in VMware workstation, host Windows 11, guest:Ubuntu.

The problem is the sometime (maybe when I restart the host, the share folder doesn't exist in /mnt/ so I need to disable and enable the share folder using VMware setting and then the share folder works again.

Is there any simple way ?

  • Are the VMware Tools up to date? Tools are required for the Shared Folder setting to work. Maybe reinstall the Tools if you can. Menu may be greyed out if up to date.
    – anon
    Commented Jan 7, 2023 at 21:17
  • Also make sure VMware Workstation is Version 16 or 17 for Windows 11. I am using VMware V17 and have an Ubuntu V22.04 guest (amongst other Guests)
    – anon
    Commented Jan 7, 2023 at 21:33

1 Answer 1


If you click the Map as a network drive in windows guests option, all the shared folders in This PC will be displayed as a Map Drive (it is better to activate this option for your convenience)

According to the picture

If you want to see your folders from inside the virtual machine, just go to This PC and look in the Network Location section.

view pic

guest:Ubuntu. package requirements may require installing the following tools:

sudo apt-get install open-vm-tools-desktop open-vm-tools

A series of friends say that these things are also necessary:

sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-virtual module-assistant  linux-image-virtual && dpkg-reconfigure open-vm-tools

If you don't see your shared folders (automounted) inside /mnt/hgfs , run VMware configuration tools:

sudo vmware-config-tools.pl -d --clobber-kernel-modules=vmhgfs

and run:vmware-hgfsclient then view /mnt content with ll /mnt/

And finally

Make sure the /mnt/hgfs directory exists and update your fstab using the details below, If not, create it.

Add the following line to nano /etc/fstab:

vmhgfs-fuse /mnt/hgfs  fuse defaults,allow_other   0   0

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