I use bash v590 in Kubuntu 20.04 and KNOPPIX 9.1. In KDE under Konsole many Terminal Emulators xterm-256color are running, in each one a shell bash.

In such a shell a very long script is running sourced. And sometimes this script sources another script.

Over a few years all went well.

Now I am making some extensions. Thereby happened errors, basics erroneus behavior of bash.

Since very many days I am searching what of my code changes are the couse and what are the relationships.

The point is: what is written into the bash history list.

I have set HISTSISIZE to -1, HISTFILESIZE to number of seconds since epoche.


At each test run, I list and set all bash "set" options and "shopt" options relevant to history.

It turned out that the (or one of the) implementation of

set -o history

is the key problem.

Perhaps even if I do not make setting but only an inquiry.

The mis-behavior of bash goes in two different directions:

Either nothing is written to the history list, only what I write by

history -s "abc"

Or all lines beginning with a hash ("#") instead to be taken as comment, are written to the history list.

And it depends on how often the code line

set -o history


E.g. if in the parent shell this is set and then a sourced script additionally brings such line in.

(as said: perhaps only for a request, if it is set or not)

I have googled in internet and can nothing find that relates to this.

Please, does someone know something about this.

== addendum_1 04.01.2023:

Very odd:


In another of the existing terminals, one only for tests, at beginning shell bash showed the same mis-effects as described above.

Then I have in the parent shell turned off "history" by

set +o history


set -o | grep history

Shows that off.

In my test script, which is running sourced,

I additionally make

set +o history


set -o | grep history

Shows that off.

Now out-commented lines are no more written to bash history list.

And command "date" is written to history list.

i.e. behavior as it should be for setting history on by

set -o history


In Konsole I create a new, an additional window with a terminal an shell bash.

set -o | grep history

Shows that on.

I use my test script. I do nothing regarding set .. history.

I run this script

set -o | grep history

Shows that on.

The test script writes normally, correctly commands into the histtory list, but not comments.

Now I change the test script: I add

set -o history

Now the mis-behavior occures: by hash character "#" out-commented lines are written into the history list, in addition to commands, e.g."date".

Not only the test script, but from then on the parent shell has also this mis-behavior.

Please, what is the couse and how can I repair the system.

I do not want to boot anew. KDE and his Konsole are not able to preserve all my settings. It was a hard work to make all settings for the windows and terminals under Konsole, and I have not yet found a way to store all my settings.

== addendum_2 04.01.2023:

Is there a way to check if bash will behave normally or will mis-behave before I run a long script, or at least at the beginning of the script.

Since when bash mis-behaves and writes the very many non-command lines into the history list, the history list is crammed full. And it is a hard work to find and delete thesse lines.


1 Answer 1


For one of the two bad behaviors of bash in connection with

set -o history
set +o history

I have found a solution that works for me.

In some more details this means:

The one bad behavior is, that bash sometimes does not write commands to history list, though it should.

The other bad behavior is that sometimes bash writes out-commented lines to the history list as if they were commands. This seems to be controllable with HISTIGNORE.

For the first problem my approach is:


In a shell script make at beginning and other locations a test if test-commands had been written to history by reading back history lines with

history n


fc -l histindex_1 histindex_2

If comparision results in fault, then


In a for loop apply ten times

set +o history

And after checking apply once

set -o history

After that, for a certain, unknown time bash works correctly.

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