I have a DNS home server running with bind9. To keep using my server outside my local network, I configured a VPN with wireguard.
With this command : time wget -O/dev/null https://debian.org, here are the latencies of the same request in two different network environments

Local network                    ---> 0,647s
Outside network (over wireguard) ---> 11,007s

If i make the test with an IP Address : time wget -O/dev/null --no-check-certificate :

Local network                    ---> 0,459s
Outside network (over wireguard) ---> 0,738s

I don't understand why the name resolution over wireguard is so slow.


As @mtak wrote in response, to test if the problem comes from the name resolution, we used the following commands : `time dig debian.org @` where is the IP of the bind server.
Local network   ---> 0,058s
Outside network ---> 0,036s
So if the problem isn't name resolution, what is it ?
  • While I understand that your results lead you to think that resolving is the problem, it would be good to actually include the time it takes to do a request on your bind server. Add time dig debian.org @ where is the IP of your bind server.
    – mtak
    Commented Dec 23, 2022 at 10:08
  • With time dig debian.org @ (local network) ---> 0,058s | And time dig debian.org @ (over wireguard) ---> 0,036s. So if it's not the name resolution, what could it be ?
    – anderson
    Commented Dec 23, 2022 at 10:21

1 Answer 1


Well, that was the resolv.conf file. The DNS server of the local network was above that of the external network. And as it says in the resolv.conf manual :

If there are multiple servers, the resolver library queries them in the order listed.

So It was the first DNS server query time that was causing the latency.

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