So this question goes hand-in-hand with another one of my posts, Urgent: Cannot run any program as administrator, gives file system error (-1073740791) on Windows 10, in that I believe they are related. I don't remember how it happened or when it started, but 'twas about a week ago when I started to not be able to open applications as administrator. Restarting file explorer seemed to have fixed it, but it came back again and this time restarting file explorer no matter how many times did not fix it. A few days ago I discovered a third party application was hogging up hundreds of megabytes of free memory, and I believed this to be the issue of why I couldn't open Photoshop, but after I had ended the process and saw my free memory gain hundreds of megabytes, I still could not open Photoshop.

So I went looking online for a solution to the Photoshop problem and there was a video that told you to add a registry key to bypass physical memory restrictions, but I cannot open registry editor as it will give me the same error as opening any other app as administrator.

Please help, this is very urgent. I am using Windows 10.

Edit: To elaborate, here are the list of issues that I mentioned in my post:

  • Files cannot be run as administrator. They give a "File System Error" with the code (-1073740791)
  • Photoshop CS6 cannot be run and tells me there is not enough RAM when it has run before with less available memory.

I believe these two issues are correlated in that they are possibly caused by the same event. Simply rebooting my computer can almost certainly fix these problems but I cannot do so right now due to invaluable data I am still working on that cannot be easily saved.

  • if the file system has been broken then the only thing you can do is to run chkdsk /f to try fixing it, and sfc /scannow to fix broken Windows files. And if the failure is due to the hard disk then you need to replace the disk and reinstall Windows
    – phuclv
    Commented Dec 13, 2022 at 0:30
  • I cannot open command prompt as administrator as you can see here. i.sstatic.net/78Ev4.png
    – rignecorte
    Commented Dec 13, 2022 at 5:58
  • boot from the external Windows installation disc/pendrive. If that doesn't solve the issue then obviously you have to reinstall Windows
    – phuclv
    Commented Dec 13, 2022 at 6:52
  • You need to restart your computer, if you haven't yet. Based on what you've said in your other posts, if you're still insisting on not restarting, you really need to restart Commented Dec 13, 2022 at 21:01

1 Answer 1


not be able to open applications as administrator. ... I discovered a third party application was hogging up hundreds of megabytes of free memory, .... still could not open Photoshop..... found a registry key to bypass physical memory restrictions, but I cannot open registry editor

You have many problems with this machine and it appears that constant efforts to fix have made things worse.

Reinstall Windows.

Back up important and needed documents, email, favorites and so on to a USB drive. Double check this.

Now check the main drive for errors and replace if necessary.

Go to Windows Settings, Update, and scroll down the right side for Recovery. Do a Windows Reset. This will reinstall Windows and you need to reinstall your Apps.

This is the best approach now, because the damage has been too difficult to solve.

  • Reinstalling Windows is the absolute last resort. This mustn't be the only way to solve my problem. I have been using this machine practically every day for years and my sentiment for it equates to the value of my entire life. It would be impossible to back up every single little detail onto a USB drive, and you just blatantly told me to only backup "the important things". This is paramount to excerebration.
    – rignecorte
    Commented Dec 12, 2022 at 19:59
  • In fact, I believe all these issues can simply be fixed with a reboot. But at the moment I cannot do so due to important data I am still working on that cannot be saved at all.
    – rignecorte
    Commented Dec 12, 2022 at 20:01
  • There are many errors so I so that is why I suggested re-installation . I use the term "important" things to represent what is needed.
    – anon
    Commented Dec 12, 2022 at 20:01
  • John, I am still able to browse my computer fine. Here are the list of problems: - Cannot open any program as administrator, gives file system error (-1073740791) - Cannot open Photoshop CS6, says that there is not enough RAM when free memory is more than 500 MB
    – rignecorte
    Commented Dec 12, 2022 at 20:02
  • 1
    You set yourself up by suggesting that suicide is a superior option to reinstalling Windows. Find your documents and information (NOT in the Registry or other obscure location). Back it up. This is at worst a one day effort. Then reinstall Windows and make your computer work. What we are asking you to do is simple and straightforward. This is not judging you.
    – anon
    Commented Dec 15, 2022 at 21:55

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