I want to remove python3 from /usr/bin, as I already have Python 3.11 installed and the python3 in /usr/bin/ is Python 3.9.6

I tried removing it using sudo rm -f python3, but I get this error: rm: python3: Operation not permitted

So, how?

2 Answers 2


You probably should think thrice before attempting this. In your case, you can simply use the python version in /usr/local/bin by manipulating the $PATH variable. Homebrew probably does this automatically, you can try which python to find out what's the default on your system.

If you really, really want to do this, you can follow the guide here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57440334/sip-is-disabled-but-usr-bin-is-write-protected-anyway-macos-catalina-beta-10/59395264#59395264


Modify PATH in ~/.zprofile like so:

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH"

Open a new Terminal session.

Most tools, like Visual Studio Code, will be able to detect all Python installations and let you choose.

This way you also can handle Python installed in /Library/Framework and Xcode, without going around and deleting.

/usr/bin is handled by the macOS and is protected by SIP (System Integrity Protection), which can be disabled, but why bother.

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