I'm using a Debian cloud instance and am wondering how to list all of the packages that have been installed manually, e.g. by using dpkg on a .deb file, as opposed to via the package manager apt.

I tried apt list --installed | grep <pkg_name> but there's no hint as to how the items shown in result were installed.

Is there any command / procedure by which I could find this out?


  • If you want to list packages installed by dpkg, you obviously would need to use dpkg for listing them, not apt. dpkg -l will do that Commented Nov 23, 2022 at 14:54

1 Answer 1


For the second part, it is easy. If it installed, it is installed by dpkg. Really the other programs are better user interfaces which call dpkg for the installing work (and usually with better dependency check, and automatic downloading of packages). In any case you see in /var/log/dpkg.log all installation/deinstallation work.

In logs you have also what aptitude did, and what apt did. Probably other system program log transaction in /var/log.

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