1024x768 the max resolution I can set in Windows 10 running in a Virtual Machine:

enter image description here

I installed the Virtual Box guest additions:

enter image description here

Why is 1024x768 the max resolution I can set in Windows 10 running in a Virtual Machine (host: Windows 10; hypervisor: Virtual Box 6.1.34)?

I use the VBoxSVGA graphics controller:

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Workaround from Reddit user Krotiuz:

Select auto resize guest display in the VM settings, ans then make the window bigger and it'll automatically adjust.

That worked for me. The resolution went up to 3840x1887. Screenshot:

enter image description here

  • 2
    Your own question is "why?" but your answer does not answer this. Commented Nov 21, 2022 at 12:54

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