The cells I selected in Screenshot are relatively the same. What I want to do now, is reuse that upper table by copying the lower table below, but don't change values. I was thinking if I could at the same time selected cells turn to absolute by pressing F4, I could easily copy them below without changing anything if I could apply F4 for all selected cells. I found that it should work by pressing F4 while selected multiple cells here, but for me Excel says "We couldn't find what you are looking for". How can I achieve this? Thanks.

  • Note according to your reference, I think it is implied that you can use F4 on multiple cell references selected within one formula while in edit mode - not when you are selecting multiple cells. Its actually surprising that this doesn't work, or that Excel doesn't have a "keep references as is" paste special option on the paste menu. Commented Oct 30, 2022 at 23:13

1 Answer 1

  1. Hit CTRL+` to "Show Formulas"
  2. Select and copy CTRL+C all the formulae
  3. Open notepad and paste CTRL+V
  4. Go back to Excel and press Esc
  5. Go back to Notepad, select all and copy CTRL+A & CTRL+C
  6. Go back to Excel and paste CTRL+V
  7. Hit CTRL+` to disable "Show Formulas"

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