When I remote desktop to my Win10 it says "you a;ready have remote desktop connections on this computer"

:signed in for x days and xx hours"

How do I stop this message?

Remote desktop error:

remote desktop error

  • Are you sure you are supplying the same username and password on every connection attempt? Have you modified your system in any way? eg. patching the dll?
    – LPChip
    Commented Oct 30, 2022 at 16:04
  • Yes.. same name/pass No mod's
    – theMezz
    Commented Oct 31, 2022 at 20:56

1 Answer 1


Answer found HERE from https://johnlouros.com/


Let’s begin by opening the command prompt (or PowerShell) using: [Win] + [r]; type cmd (or powershell) and press [enter]

Now we are going to use qwinsta to (paraphrasing documentation) “ Display information about Remote Desktop Services sessions.”. If you use the command without any additional arguments, information about your local computer sessions will be display. However, most likely you want to target a remote computer; to do that simply enter the server name, or machine IP, using /SERVER: argument. Example qwinsta /SERVER:mywebserver or qwinsta /SERVER: screenshot

To disconnect, or reset a particular session, just use rwinsta and supply the server name and the session Id you want to reset. Session Ids are display on qwinsta resulting output. Example rwinsta /SERVER:mywebserver 70

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