I have a USB soundcard with Toslink (S/PDIF) output under Windows 10 and as such master volume does nothing. Looking at Audio quality via S/PDIF this is not at all unexpected. I can control the volume in, say, YouTube if I change the volume up-down in their video player. My keyboard has volume up-down keys. How could I use them to change the volume of the currently playing channel instead of master? Or perhaps all channels.

1 Answer 1


I downloaded Nir Sofer's SoundVolumeView , put it in a directory in %PATH% and wrote an Autohotkey script:

    Run, SoundVolumeView /ChangeVolume "AllAppVolume" +5

    Run, SoundVolumeView /ChangeVolume "AllAppVolume" -5

Credit where credit is due: this is a very slightly adjusted version of this reddit comment. The documentation said

You can specify 'AllAppVolume' to change the volume of all applications at once. For example, in order to set the volume of all applications to 100%: SoundVolumeView.exe /SetVolume AllAppVolume 100

So I did.

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