I'm trying to play an NES emulator named punes, and on its github page, it says I need to configure and build manually. When I do ./configure, I get configure: error: Qt5 library not found. However, when I do apt list *qt5*, it gives me an extremely long list of packages, none of which is an obvious qt5 or qt5-dev package or anything like that, so it is completely non-obvious which one I need in order to "get qt5".

I'm on Debian 11 bullseye stable.

1 Answer 1


I was able to solve this by doing sudo apt install qtbase5-dev, then ./configure worked. It was completely non-obvious that the package name would be qtbase5-dev, since there's absolutely no way I could've known, short of Google searching for more than 30 min, that the package substring had base in between qt and 5.

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