Some non-Latin-based scripts (alphabets) have more detail in their glyphs than do the Latin-based-script equivalents, and typically need a larger font to give the same degree of legibility (resolution-wise).

Sometimes, both script types need to be present in the same file.

Notepad++ allows different font SIZES (and colour, etc.) courtesy of syntax-highlighting.

This allows me to display a larger-fonted non-Latin-based script in a // BIG-FONT comment.
Although this has been quite handy for me in some situations, it is quite limited.

A word processor can handle this scenario, but I'm not interested in that. I want a nice simple(?) plain(?) text editor to do it on a per script-type basis, for example, mixing Latin-1 and Devanagari (and Mandarin, etc.).

Such a thing may not exits, but Notepad++ has shown that a simple(?) plain(?) text editor is capable of it.

Does such a text editor exist?

Why not a word processor? Because GCC and Python don't like that format! But UTF-8 is fine.

  • This can be done with Fontconfig, but GTK+ on Windows doesn't use Fontconfig by default so you'd have to rebuild. Commented Jan 1, 2011 at 2:49
  • Thanks Ignacio.. I've heard that Emacs can do it, but it will be a while before I feel brave enough to venture there .. (but some day I hope to.. :)
    – Peter.O
    Commented Jan 28, 2011 at 2:29

2 Answers 2


Just use Ctrl-+ in Notepad++ to quickly enlarge the font size whenever you need it.

That shortcut works in many apps, including recent versions of IE and all Firefox versions.

  • 1
    What you have described is Zooming. --- This is not what I mean. I mean that AT THE SAME TIME Latin script(letters) are 12 point, and Devanagari are 20 point. (... but thanks for your reply)
    – Peter.O
    Commented Aug 7, 2010 at 0:33

Emacs can concurrently display different font sizes...Here is the unix.stackexchange Question/Answer about it, and here is an example

This isn't the complete answer (yet), but from what I"ve read so far, Emacs can display different fonts based on "Human Language", but I need to learn how to drive Emacs first... :)

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