I have a problem streaming video using VLC. I want to use RTSP protocol. I have set the streaming as follows:

  • Open VLC;
  • Press CTRL+S in order to open streaming options;
  • Add the video file;
  • Add destination setup as RTSP, port 8554 and path "/";
  • Activated transcoding;
  • Press "Stream";

Using the same pc, I went on "localhost:8554", but the browser shows me a "404 Client error (/)" page with a link to VideoLAN (which is the company that have produced VLC).

How can I watch my video streaming, and how can I access to it from another PC?

  • I would assume VLC only provides the RTSP service but you are expecting that it also provides a web based player (which is isn't the case). So the answer is: "use an RTSP video player software" or a different RTSP server that also provides a web based player.
    – Robert
    Commented Jun 16, 2022 at 17:15
  • 2
    I have the same problem, but I'm trying to use a second instance of VLC to read the stream. I'm getting "cannot open stream" errors. Commented Dec 14, 2022 at 11:15

1 Answer 1


It may be a firewall issue. Firewall may block incoming connections on port 8554.

I am not sure how make available connectivity on Windows, but you can run this command in Linux:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8554 -j ACCEPT

It will allow incoming traffic on 8554 port

  • 1
    he opened it on the same PC....
    – Ubeogesh
    Commented Oct 21, 2023 at 14:26

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