I discovered that the Ethernet speed is only 100Mbps when I checked on “Open Network & Internet Settings > Ethernet > Change adapter options > Double-clicking the Network Connection”


I'm using CAT6 as my Ethernet cable and already configured the Properties of the Ethernet connection into 1Gbps Full Duplex, see image below, and then the connection was reset and I'm still seeing the same 100Mbps value for speed.


Our home network is using an ZTE ZXHN F670L router which was provided by our ISP, and I'm not seeing any manuals from the internet regarding all the options on the admin panel so I'm not sure if it should be configured on the router or in the pc. Any ideas?

By the way here's a screenshot of Ethernet in the admin panel. I'm using Intel NUC I5 11th gen.


Dumb question, but can it also be done for wireless connection?

1 Answer 1


The documentation I'm finding online for the ZTE F670L is inconsistent, but in several places it says that only one of its LAN ports is gigabit capable, and the other three are only 100Mbit capable.

So I guess make sure you're connecting to the only gigabit-capable port.


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