What I mean is if I search for something in file explorer and then go to that location, at the top it displays the path as "Search result in folder" instead of "C/.../folder". Here is what I mean:

Searching for the folder:

Searching for the folder

Selecting the folder I want:

Selecting the folder I want

This is what it displays:

This is what it displays

This is what I want:

This is what I want

  • When I search in Windows 10 from File Explorer, top right search bar, any files found show the complete path. I cannot tell from your post what is not working except to say it all works fine. The Title Bar does not change though, just the results.
    – anon
    Commented Dec 21, 2021 at 19:17
  • If you press Ctrl+Shift, right-click a file or folder, and select Copy as path, the full path (escaped in quotes) is copied to the clipboard. This works for files in a location alias such as Desktop, Downloads, Music, etc. For a link (shortcut), though, it copies the location of the .lnk file; if you want the indirect location, it's in the link's Properties. Commented Dec 22, 2021 at 1:33
  • You can find the setting in Control Panel>File explorer options>view>Display the full path in title bar, tick the box and hit apply.
    – Moab
    Commented Dec 22, 2021 at 15:20

1 Answer 1


I created a context menu entry for folders, Open file-system location to deal with this and similar virtual paths (i.e. This PC ><FolderName>):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="&Open file-system location"

@="\"explorer.exe\" \"%v\""

@="&Open file-system location"

@="\"explorer.exe\" \"%1\""


@="&Open File Location"

@="\"explorer.exe\" /select,\"%1\""

It does open a new window, rather than use the open window, but that's a minor trade-off in my opinion.

  • I have it set up and can click the "OpenLocation" button, but whenever I do I get the error message "windows cannot access the specified device path or file you may not have appropriate permissions to access the item". Commented Dec 24, 2021 at 15:50
  • Is that a new Explorer window that displays the error message??? Commented Dec 24, 2021 at 20:23

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