Often, when working on my Linux laptop I want to get as much from my screen-estate as possible. This means working on windows as large as possible, but not overlapping each other too much.

The typical use case for me is to have a single window maximized in height (1), then opening another window (2). I then want the second window to take all the remaining space, in width and height.

Another use case is to have a third window (3) that I don't really want to see - it's there, together with my height-maximized window (1) when I open (2) and (2) partly can overlap my (3). I then want to make (2) again as much as possible but without overlapping (1) (see pic below).


Has anyone happened to find a simple solution for this, except for manually resizing windows?

1 Answer 1


you should switch to a "tiling windowmanager". it seems to fit your workflow better than the so called "floating" model of handling windows.

you can find a list of such window managers here.

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