Whenever I present my screen during a Google Meet meeting, I get a notification in my Windows 10 notification center with the following message:

You're presenting to everyone. Click here to return to the video call when you're ready to stop presenting.

Windows notification with title "You're presenting to everyone"

This would be fine if it only popped up once when I start presenting. However, every time I switch focus between the screen I am presenting and the screen on my other monitor, the notification is triggered again.

How can I avoid having this notification pop up multiple times per meeting when I am using both screens but only sharing one?

1 Answer 1


You can disable notifications specifically for Google Meet via the Chrome notification settings chrome://settings/content/notifications.

Under "Customised behaviours", add https://meet.google.com:443 to the "Not allowed to send notifications" list.

If it's already in the "Allowed to send notifications" list, click the and select Block.

Chrome notification settings

This will block all notifications from Google Meet in Chrome but I couldn't think of any others it sends anyway.

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