Is there a keyboard shortcut to leave Developer Tools open in Chrome but to return focus to the main window? (I often need to open devtools to capture some network request, but I need to return to the main part of the window in order to trigger that request, and I'd like to do it all by just using the keyboard.)

2 Answers 2


Press Ctrl+L to focus on the address bar, and then a combination of Shift+TAB and TAB until you focus on the control you want to trigger.

If the Console panel is focused, Ctrl+L will clear the console instead of focusing on the address bar. In that case, press Ctrl+] twice from the Console panel to focus on the Network panel. From there (or any other non-Console panel), pressing Ctrl+L will focus on the browser address bar.

  • Thanks! This works great in most places. NB: in the Console tab, it just clears your history.
    – Jellicle
    Commented Aug 31, 2021 at 14:58
  • Good point. I edited my answer to add a workaround if the Console panel is focused, since F12 will open the Console panel if that is the last that was opened. Commented Aug 31, 2021 at 15:30

Press F6 or Alt+D to focus on the adress bar, then Esc to focus on the page.

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