I have a user called dbsssftpadmin who is in the root group. There is a directory called /media/pi that has read and execute permissions for the group root.

enter image description here

Yet in FileZilla when im connected via SFTP and try to view the directory /media/pi i get an error: Error: Directory /media/pi: permission denied Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

I don't know why.

I can see lots of other directories on the SFTP but not this particular one.


2 Answers 2


It turns out some ACL permissions on the directory were restricting the permissions on it, I ran

sudo setfacl -m "u:dbssftpadmin:r-x" pi

and that gave the permissions i wanted.


To rule this out and although you are in a group that has root access, you can list the directory via sudo:

sudo ls -la

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