I have a problem with my laptop. If I click the Windows Button, nothing happend and if I try to press WINDOWS + I nothing happend. I try use WINDOWS + R to open ms-settings: and it gives me this error: file system error (-805043884). I try to run in CMD as Admin the DISM/online/cleanup-image/CheckHealth command and it gives me the 87 error. I try also try to run SFC /Scannow and it says that is impossible to run the services. Please help me!

1 Answer 1


Your Windows setup seems to be in a very bad shape.

If this wasn't caused by anything you did, the computer might be infected, so run a few deep antivirus scans to check this possibility. If any infection is found, see the article How can I remove malicious spyware, malware, adware, viruses, trojans or rootkits from my PC?

To correct the problem and bring Windows back to a coherent state
Do a Repair Install of Windows 10 with an In-place Upgrade.

This operation is equivalent to a major Windows upgrade, so should be treated the same way (take backups).

  • I am running a anti-virus scans
    – Mat12143
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 8:02
  • A solution is to reinstall Windows?
    – Mat12143
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 8:03
  • Yes, that's the ultimate solution, but may cause its own problems if a needed driver is missing from the installation media. An intermediate solution would be to Refresh Windows 10.
    – harrymc
    Commented Jun 24, 2021 at 8:09

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